Monday, September 7, 2015

Ten great tourist tips

Ten great tourist tips

You have before you travel to any place to plan for the trip well to become beautiful and enjoyable trip and free of any problems or obstacles Therefore we will mention this in our report are some tips that will help you on that

 processing of all official papers in her bag dedicated separate from the rest of the bags and the most important of your passport and your ticket and most important thing to keep copies each in the other bag and so good for you in the event of loss

Make sure that the passport be valid for a period of not less than six months

you must know The weather in the country, which it will travel to equip the appropriate clothing for the weather and a lot of travelers fall into such mistakes, especially if they are traveling for the first time

I hope that does not bring along any valuables such as jewelry during your travels

I hope that all travelers contract with an insurance company to be responsible for any emergencies exposed to it during your travels and expenses to cover fully and that perhaps  to pay huge amounts of money in case of non-contracting

 Must be present at the airport two hours before take-off the plane in case of any emergency you may occur such that a formal forget your papers or if an amendment on the trip ..... etc

You have to be careful in choosing the hotel where will set up Mthelaama booked in a simple hotel at a cost of cheap you have to know that his services would not be required and your stay level will not be comfortable as it should so I advise you to book your room at the average cost hotel to be good service and comfortable accommodation

Respect for etiquette and traditions of the country you are visiting, and we will strike is an example of that in France, for example, when you eat a meal you take the time to be addressed and not leave residues in the dish while in Hawaii who provide the visitor or guest wreath beware that rejects this gift as this is considered offensive

Do not forget to take your camera with you to capture the most beautiful pictures for you and your family, especially next to the tourist attractions and in the embrace of nature Aghannah to remain distinctive and beautiful memory

The ten most important our advice is that you enjoy your time

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