Saturday, September 12, 2015

Charming Italian island of Sicily

Charming Italian island of Sicily

It is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and extends from the peninsula Apennine to the North African coast, a beautiful tourist destination where destination for tourists from all over the world, to be attached many tourist attractions such as theaters, castles and Yards island and the role of Alobra owns the island unique culture and in architecture and the arts , music, literature and cuisine

Sicily has a temperate Mediterranean Sea where it is hot and dry summer and a mild winter and wet and the best times of the visit in the summer and spring as you had in the winter because the weather is  beautiful too

Tourists can walk around the island to see the beautiful features also provide the island trips to natural parks and places of nature to discover and capture the most beautiful pictures her as they can visit one of its sandy beaches to do the most beautiful water sports such as swimming or diving so be sure that you will spend the most beautiful times

Tourist places
Villa Romana del Casale Villa Romana Del Casale
A Roman villa is very beautiful and pleasant tourist destinations and was built in the first quarter in the fourth century and is located about 3 kilometers outside the city of Piazza Armerina Sicily in southern Italy and contains the richest and most complex and largest group mosaic Roman in the world and is one of 49 World Heritage site of Italy to UNESCO
This villa is composed of many rooms that were used in the past in residential and other rooms for official purposes and rooms are still unknown use yet but make sure that each aesthetic distinguish them from other

Ursino Castello Ursino Castle
One of the most beautiful castles of Catania in Sicily and one of the important tourist places, which was built between 1239 - 1250 AD as one of the royal castles and that before Alambratorferederik II, King of Sicily has been planned and designed similar to the defenses of Sicily and Maaattiyha Gamalauajjazbah more is overlooking the sea and the enjoyment of architecture beautiful architectural terms consisting of a combined Oraah wings around a courtyard and four corner towers, round towers and four semi-circular medium has been used at a time as a prison but now it has a beautiful museum displays sculptures, porcelain, weapons and paintings is varied dramatically Museum

Kalsa Quarter
A quarter of the historic to the Italian city of Palermo in Sicily and includes many of the historic buildings and medieval and pre despite the fact that the streets have changed little over time, but the buildings of archaeological remains where fragrant history to become one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Sicily as this quarter includes many of the Mad_una historical monuments such as the Church and the Church of Spasimo gate and the Arabs and the Greek gate and the wall of Aragon and Obatles Palace and Villa Julia botanical gardens


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