Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Kabas Malaysian island

Kabas Malaysian island

Kapas island located in the eastern part of the island which is close to the city of Kuala Terpenjano and this island do not enjoy the large space Every Kapas Island area 2 kilometers in width and one kilometer in length and this Kapas Island is one of the smallest islands in Malaysia These tiny island of the most important advantages it has no large crowds as we maximize this island visitors are coming to relax and get a sunbath fun as they love snorkeling and diving to see the coral reefs enjoyed by this island

The best time to visit the island Kabas
The best time to visit the magnificent island of Kabas is any time of the year except for times as the monsoon season, which comes two months between October and February, where the island was closed to visitors because of the strength of the wind and its devastating effects

Life in Kabas and residences fun to you intend accommodation to relax and feel at ease in this island has no connection to the Internet only through mobile phones and rely on mobile networks and there is no networking own Photo Gallery everywhere in the high mountains only and there are a lot of hotels that offer requirements basic accommodation and air-conditioned rooms

You must bring enough money for your trip, because Kapas Island did not enter ATM So far, we must always be ready with cash in their purse to cover your expenses


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