Saturday, September 12, 2015

Tourism in the town of Bludenz

Tourism in the town of Bludenz

It is a beautiful town in the Austrian state Vorarlberg and specifically on a right tributary of the Rhine River and is surrounded by a series of beautiful Uprights forests in the north and a series Raatkon and Sablfreta in the south and is the administrative headquarters for the region Bludenz and includes about half of the territory of the State

The town has a wonderful climate where the air is hot in summer and cold in winter, with the possibility of the fall of the large amount of rain during and annual average temperature of 8.7 degrees Celsius and the average annual rainfall of 1104 mm, the visit will be the best times in the summer and spring

This town is characterized by natural beauty bewitching where you'll see is full of mountains and nature and culture of urban historical and magic that is still evident in every inch of which has a population hospitality as it offers tranquility and purity of its air of environmental contaminants in spite of the use of cars which, however, little use so you will notice that the atmosphere is free from pollution

Do not worry if you wish to stay for a few days where the town is home to many of the hotels that most of their rooms with panoramic views of the city and the prices are acceptable and possess excellent services and contains mostly upscale restaurants offering delicacies

Tourism Activities
The town's tourist place par excellence where tourists can inadvertently Alps and try to climb to the peaks if they are an amateur this interesting sport or walking on foot for long distances or navigate the mountain where the bike and so you will be able to see spectacular panoramic scenes of the town and do not forget to bring your camera with you to capture the most beautiful images to stay distinct memory of this visit
Tourists can also play in one of the golf clubs or the wonderful cable car ride or go shopping in the beautiful markets but if you visit in the winter will be the town's ski resort

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Charming Italian island of Sicily

Charming Italian island of Sicily

It is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and extends from the peninsula Apennine to the North African coast, a beautiful tourist destination where destination for tourists from all over the world, to be attached many tourist attractions such as theaters, castles and Yards island and the role of Alobra owns the island unique culture and in architecture and the arts , music, literature and cuisine

Sicily has a temperate Mediterranean Sea where it is hot and dry summer and a mild winter and wet and the best times of the visit in the summer and spring as you had in the winter because the weather is  beautiful too

Tourists can walk around the island to see the beautiful features also provide the island trips to natural parks and places of nature to discover and capture the most beautiful pictures her as they can visit one of its sandy beaches to do the most beautiful water sports such as swimming or diving so be sure that you will spend the most beautiful times

Tourist places
Villa Romana del Casale Villa Romana Del Casale
A Roman villa is very beautiful and pleasant tourist destinations and was built in the first quarter in the fourth century and is located about 3 kilometers outside the city of Piazza Armerina Sicily in southern Italy and contains the richest and most complex and largest group mosaic Roman in the world and is one of 49 World Heritage site of Italy to UNESCO
This villa is composed of many rooms that were used in the past in residential and other rooms for official purposes and rooms are still unknown use yet but make sure that each aesthetic distinguish them from other

Ursino Castello Ursino Castle
One of the most beautiful castles of Catania in Sicily and one of the important tourist places, which was built between 1239 - 1250 AD as one of the royal castles and that before Alambratorferederik II, King of Sicily has been planned and designed similar to the defenses of Sicily and Maaattiyha Gamalauajjazbah more is overlooking the sea and the enjoyment of architecture beautiful architectural terms consisting of a combined Oraah wings around a courtyard and four corner towers, round towers and four semi-circular medium has been used at a time as a prison but now it has a beautiful museum displays sculptures, porcelain, weapons and paintings is varied dramatically Museum

Kalsa Quarter
A quarter of the historic to the Italian city of Palermo in Sicily and includes many of the historic buildings and medieval and pre despite the fact that the streets have changed little over time, but the buildings of archaeological remains where fragrant history to become one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Sicily as this quarter includes many of the Mad_una historical monuments such as the Church and the Church of Spasimo gate and the Arabs and the Greek gate and the wall of Aragon and Obatles Palace and Villa Julia botanical gardens

Monday, September 7, 2015

Ten great tourist tips

Ten great tourist tips

You have before you travel to any place to plan for the trip well to become beautiful and enjoyable trip and free of any problems or obstacles Therefore we will mention this in our report are some tips that will help you on that

 processing of all official papers in her bag dedicated separate from the rest of the bags and the most important of your passport and your ticket and most important thing to keep copies each in the other bag and so good for you in the event of loss

Make sure that the passport be valid for a period of not less than six months

you must know The weather in the country, which it will travel to equip the appropriate clothing for the weather and a lot of travelers fall into such mistakes, especially if they are traveling for the first time

I hope that does not bring along any valuables such as jewelry during your travels

I hope that all travelers contract with an insurance company to be responsible for any emergencies exposed to it during your travels and expenses to cover fully and that perhaps  to pay huge amounts of money in case of non-contracting

 Must be present at the airport two hours before take-off the plane in case of any emergency you may occur such that a formal forget your papers or if an amendment on the trip ..... etc

You have to be careful in choosing the hotel where will set up Mthelaama booked in a simple hotel at a cost of cheap you have to know that his services would not be required and your stay level will not be comfortable as it should so I advise you to book your room at the average cost hotel to be good service and comfortable accommodation

Respect for etiquette and traditions of the country you are visiting, and we will strike is an example of that in France, for example, when you eat a meal you take the time to be addressed and not leave residues in the dish while in Hawaii who provide the visitor or guest wreath beware that rejects this gift as this is considered offensive

Do not forget to take your camera with you to capture the most beautiful pictures for you and your family, especially next to the tourist attractions and in the embrace of nature Aghannah to remain distinctive and beautiful memory

The ten most important our advice is that you enjoy your time

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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Tourism in the city of Hamburg

Tourism in the city of Hamburg

It is the second largest city in Germany and the eighth largest city in the European Union and the tenth largest in all over the world with a population of more than 1.8 million people and is a major center for transport and the wealthiest in Europe and is tourism destination both for local and foreign visitors because of its annexation of the most beautiful tourist attractions such as archaeological museums and Gothic churches and Islamic centers and the magnificent city Hall Alratos addition to possess some of the recreational facilities such as parks and gardens Aghannah entertainment

Climate in the city
The city has a temperate oceanic because of its proximity to the coast and marine air masses originating

 over the Atlantic Ocean, where the summers are warm winters is cool with the possibility of snowfall once or twice a year and the most appropriate times of the visit should be in the summer and spring

Tourism Activities
Tourists can wander in Hamburg to see the most beautiful sights or inadvertently A waterways to jump-start a pleasant trip to explore and which are often by boat or ferry or going to attend some beautiful plays or attend some great Operas and do not forget inadvertently wonderful markets full of shops that let you buy some gifts Memorial to you loved ones

Tourist Attractions

 Alster River
It is a beautiful and wonderful river and is one of the tourist destinations frequented by visitors and offers enjoyable boat trips he takes tourists to explore Hamburg through it and make sure that you as well to see the beautiful buildings that have a special charm you will see the most beautiful scenic and pass fountain with a height of about 35 meters
  If you're lucky, one will attend In winter you can go for a walk across the ice where it can be for children and adults skating on ice so be sure that you will spend the most beautiful times also takes place in this river many sailing race

The Elbphilharmonie
They ballroom was set up in a box Hefei City was designed by Herzog and de Meuron and this will be the building of the tallest buildings in Hamburg where will rise after a period of about 110 meters and it currently has become an important tourist destination because of its focus on display cutting-edge music and presentation of classical music culture and of course your presence at a musical celebration will feel the joy and the joy and pleasure

 Tierpark Hagenbeck
It is a great zoo began collecting animals in 1863, by Father Carl Hagenbeck, which became an amateur animal collection has the park was founded by his son in 1907, was known first animals surrounded by trenches garden and an area of about 25 hectares and where you'll learn about many of the plants and animals of up to about 1850 animals and ranging from giraffes, elephants and birds cut like a bird penguins and polar bears also includes the park dedicated place for children to play and who will give them entertainment and fun

Hamburg Museum
It is a beautiful museum is located near the park en Blanten Bloemen in the center of Hamburg was established in 1839 has been the main building of Fritz Schumacher design and currently Osbj of more museums to visit in Hamburg and takes place when many permanent and fun right of exhibitions such as Hamburg in the twentieth century and Hamburg's in the centuries Central and navigation bridge to Steamboat Alwerner and many others

Friday, September 4, 2015

The best places to visit in the United States

The best places to visit in the United States

افضل الاماكن للزيارة في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية

The United States of the most beautiful countries in the world, which travels with individuals from all countries in the world, whether to live or for tourism, and is a collection of the best cities in the world and the best tourist attractions varied, and in this article some of the best places to visit in the United States

The best tourist places in the United States

 New York
And which includes a number of American icons, such as the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building and Times Square, and is the most populous city in America and the most popular, and also known as the "Big Apple", and is a New York City is a favorite destination for visitors to the levels domestic and international

Los Angeles
And which is witnessing a large number of international celebrations, with breezes light in the faces of the Pacific Ocean and that makes Los Angeles one of the best tourist destinations in the United States, and there are a number of famous beaches such as Malibu or Santa Monica, in addition to fun shopping at Rodeo Drive and take a tour in Beverly Hills

Chicago has long been called the "second city", where occupies the second place after New York City, both in terms of size or population, and Chicago has the best restaurants, and shopping venues, and museums, and recreational activities

Wasghington DC
Capital of the United States and Washington, DC, and that the many museums and memorials making it one of the most visited cities in the United States, and especially for families and school groups

Las Vegas
Most tourists go to Las Vegas, where it is a world-class shopping, and the first-class restaurants, and that makes this city a true oasis to enjoy, and is the top travel destination in the United States

San Francisco
And you know this legendary city on San Francisco Bay, their neighborhoods, and San Francisco is the ideal city for nature lovers, and is also a great starting point for many trips

And the US is the destination of natural beauty of the beaches to the rich culture of the South Pacific in Hawaii, and is the view of the United States ideal if you're looking for the real beauty

Grand Canyon
Wonder geology of the incredible and that extends more than 200 km, Grand Canyon carved by the Colorado River over thousands of years, and are located in the state of Arizona, the Grand Canyon, and is the first destination to visit in the southwestern United States, and is one of the most popular destinations of national parks in the United States

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tourism in Algeria

Tourism in Algeria

Algeria is the largest country of the African continent in terms of area and the largest country in the world rank 10 in terms of total area, located in North Africa. Desert is considered the bulk of them interspersed with plateaus and hills to the north and down to the Mediterranean coast length of 1200 km

Algeria: the coast of the Mediterranean Sea

Algerian coast of more areas in summer visit is not traveling in the way of the Algerian coast until you find the sandy beaches and rocky full of local people and tourists to enjoy Bzarkh average of golden sand.
In the West, we find a bride Algerian coast of Oran, which lies about 450 km to the capital, which is characterized by mild climate, warm sea and picturesque beaches and the most famous beach, which is Madagh kiss tourists in beaches and Hran.tlleha invasions and Mostaganem and winters. In the Middle you'll love the beaches of Bejaia, Annaba and Jijel and Sidi Fredj and Tipaza most famous monuments Romanah.tattabr sandy beaches and rocky others. Algeria is experiencing demand for them from the summer tourists to the high degree Ahararh.otaatkhall the coast of Algeria in the heavily forested mountains and plains add a scene Raiaa.oma If you are a fan of amateur diving and coral you may wish to watch coral beaches in El Kala

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Algeria: the green hills and land
The northern Algeria from east to west green spaces interspersed with dense forests and mountain ranges and rocky lakes and marshes in the east in the west, giving environmentally diverse atmosphere dominated by moderate summer and winter
Most of the hills composed of longer chains in Africa and is Tell Atlas, which runs along the coastline interspersed with basins and plains and the most important mountains are djurdjura famous in the tribal area, in which the snow falling heavily in the winter season and embraces in Oaalleha picturesque located Tikjda area, about ten kilometers from the area Bouira province. Perhaps, among other things invites you to admire the existence of such a picturesque green barn in the liver of the high rocky mountain
The plains and the most widely O_khasbha Mitidja plain, which is the most fertile soil in Algeria and extending over a distance of 100 km
There are in the state and the state of El Tarf Guelma one of the most prosperous environmental reserves of the environment, animals and birds such as storks and hand Hassoun Obj and Barbary deer

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Algeria: Desert
Is the Algerian Sahara's second-largest desert in the world because it covers 84% ​​of the total area of ​​the Dzair.otattabr desert first direction to foreign tourists area because of its beauty Okhad and splendor of the mountains and stillness that captivates where a famous Bhzirta Hoggar and Tassili N'ajjer which _ihran Brosumaat show ancient history which up to Stone Age and volcanic mountains that rob eyes as characterized Ahaggar that it has the most beautiful rising and setting of the sun in the entire world by the World Organization UNESCO. Desert tribes and famous as well as the city of Ghardaia Almzabeyen which is rich in culture and history despite urbanization and rugged living area which turned barren desert into an oasis of the largest oases in Algeria
Algeria is famous for its desert animals rarely found elsewhere Kzba and deer and VNC. Algeria is rich desert oases of the most beautiful oases in the world, there are oases months in Ghardaia, Timimoun and Bani Abbas

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Most tourist attractions in the city of Bilbao

Most tourist attractions in the city of Bilbao

Is the capital of Vizcaya in the Basque Country city located on the banks of Nurofen It is the largest municipality in the Basque Country and the largest tenth city in Spain and has a population of about one million people. This city was founded in the early fourteenth century and is the commercial center of the Basque Country and currently is one of the pleasant destinations where it has the most beautiful scenic green hills where flowers and brightly infested addition to the many tourist attractions such as the historic squares and beautiful theaters, museums and archaeological parks Aghannah wonderful parks so be sure that you will not tire  never from visit this city

The most important tourist attractions

Plaze Nueva
It is a beautiful yard enjoying the style neoclassical was built in 1821 and includes the most beautiful markets was build a beautiful palace where in 1890 and enjoys the presence of many high-end restaurants that offer delicious food and Otaibha addition to the annexation of several gift shops and souvenir shops, including the Vlamarki market where old books, coins and stamps are sold as is used for the scene in many musical celebrations and festivals that brings delight and pleasure to the hearts of visitors

Dona Casilda Hurrizar Park
It is a public park located in the central neighborhood Andownks called Brita city was built on the English-style dating back to 100 years and that shed light on the many types of rare trees and is located inside the park duck pond, which includes various different species of waterfowl and it is also equipped with Balnuairalsahrh and wooden benches for it tourists can wander between the arms of the picturesque nature and make children spend a great time ran in the green areas and feed the ducks in the pond so I wish you a pleasant visit you and each member of your family

The Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
It is an art museum which is located in the museum building inside Kacilia garden in the city, the second largest museum visit in the Basque Country, one of the richest museums Spanish as it includes valuable and comprehensive collections, which reflects the Basque culture and the Spanish, European and bringing the number of pieces of art for more than six thousand pieces including paintings by old artists such as El Greco and Goya Kranach Murillo addition to sculptures and reliefs and ceramic arts

A white bridge or the bridge Campo is a dedicated pedestrian bridge is a popular tourist attraction in the city of Bilbao, a bow shape that is on Narfen River was designed by the architect Santiago Kalatravia was built of glass bricks transparent was opened in 1997 and which connects the right bank of the river West left and precipitant wants visitors to see and learn about it and pick up the most beautiful pictures beside him

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The most beautiful tourist destinations in Japan

The most beautiful tourist destinations in Japan

discover the  best tourism places in Japan
Try samurai in ancient times to occupy the world wars but now the state Samurai Japan occupies the world of modern technologies, which is not without including the house in any part of the world.
Japan, a country with ancient and modern in mating wonderful Whereas has ancient traditions striking in the depth of time and shrines and temples and interesting mythology, also has a scenic and majestic mountains and charming islands but also has modern shops and the latest Saahat fashion.
So today we will give you the list of the most beautiful places that you can visit in Japan, which will give you a glimpse of ancient civilization and modern civilization to this country and how he was able to mix them

- Tokyo

The travelers who like congestion and mixing will be very Cling in Tokyo, capital of Japan and its environs are the most populous in the world capital! It is that show where and clearly immiscible ancient civilization in Japan and markets blossoms cherry spring and shrines and temples and traditional gardens fish market with aspects of civilization Kalpnayat modern high-rise stores and brands months in the world.
Just wander among the streets of this beautiful city will gain a new tourist experience does not only depend on the old buildings, but the Japanese Alsok unique as the tourists can have a rest by Japanese in public parks such as the National Park Geun Shinjuku beautiful.

- Kyoto

Kyoto Kyoto City is the capital of the province, but it was in the former capital of the Japanese empire over 1,000 years .tqa Kyoto City in the heart of the island of Honshu and known the holy city because it alone has more than 10,000 sacred shrine and a Buddhist temple.
The city also features a private parks and festivals bustling Gion Matsuri festival, which is held in July every year.


Nara ancient city known as the "Hippo" where she was the first permanent capital of Japan, founded in 710 AD and is located an hour from the city of Kyoto and it is the biggest and oldest Japanese temples and more popular tourist actors.
Visitors to the city prefer to "fire" usually Todaiji temple beautiful his garden where birds frolic Ghazlat and mortar.

- Takayama

If the tourist places of amateur-dominated calm and quiet he must get out of Japan's big cities and head to the town of Takayama, which is characterized by the rural character and is located near the northern Japan Alps.
Takayama city known as one of the oldest cities in Japan currently maintained by manifestations of traditional life, and the most beautiful suburbs area called Sanmache consists of three lanes packed with old antique wooden houses.

- Nico

Another small town located at the entrance to Nikko National Park and the famous Japanese shrines Balichogo more wasteful on decorations, as well as the tomb of Ieyasu Tokugawa The most popular landmarks is the Red Bridge.
Nikko National Park also offers great paintings of landscapes that formed lakes, waterfalls and mountains with wild monkeys and other animals

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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

the most beautiful towns of Germany

 The most beautiful towns of Germany

Municipality Maysan Meissen town
A small and romantic town built along the banks of the River Elbe is located northwest of Dresden and includes many fascinating historical monuments such as Meissen Cathedral Gothic Virgin and Ms. Castle Albrechtsberg the first castle that was used as the headquarters of monarchy in Germany and forgotten Meissen historical district around the market and that has a wonderful traditional buildings the town also contains many of the landscape so I advise you to take your camera with you to capture the most beautiful pictures of yourself in the bosom as the many festivals and events that brings delight and joy to the hearts of its visitors held

Quedlinburg Town 
A town in northern Harz Mountains, specifically in the state of West mandate of Skswinne in Germany and is one of the nice tourist destinations has developed the old town located where the UNESCO World Heritage List includes the town many historical monuments such as St. Servatios and St. Mary's historic Castle Church and Museum Schloss and organizes many tours of castles, museums and be accompanied by Bmrushdsn as the many festivals that brings delight and pleasure to visitors held

Cochem Town
One of the most beautiful fine German towns which are known by their nature picturesque traditional wooden houses and streets paved with stones and charming, which includes the markets and shops and tourists can wander in to see all this beauty and spend the most beautiful times which also includes historical landmarks, such as Cochem Castle, which is one of the most beautiful monuments, which dates back to build the Millennium first and many leisure facilities golf playgrounds, swimming pools, and if you want to stay in town for a few days you do not have to where it is available, which has some spectacular views and provide a comfortable stay hotels

Rudesheim Town 
A town in the state of Hesse and the German  in the south of the Rhine Valley and is one of the nice tourist destinations that tourists want to visit to see the natural beauty of the picturesque tourist landmarks that although I said it, but it has a great importance, such as Busenberg Castle, which dates back created century ninth Street Doral Gass and who is one of the most beautiful streets of the town, which is full of houses of wood and beautiful SPA unique architecture of its kind in addition to the presence of many gift shops and souvenir and last but not least Monument Leandro religion Kamal and whim monument town and which was built to commemorate the founding of the German Empire after the end of the French war

Mittenwalde Town
A town in Brandbnorg 30 kilometers southeast of Berlin, it is suitable to spend a quiet holiday and get away for a few days city routine and bustle and enjoy the most beautiful times
The celebration of this town as the most beautiful towns located amid the Bavarian Alps, where the houses are nicely decorated and painted and carved facades and carved the most beautiful carvings and the town was known as the town of a thousand Walkman where it was manufactured many of the string instruments Kalkman

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Kabas Malaysian island

Kabas Malaysian island

Kapas island located in the eastern part of the island which is close to the city of Kuala Terpenjano and this island do not enjoy the large space Every Kapas Island area 2 kilometers in width and one kilometer in length and this Kapas Island is one of the smallest islands in Malaysia These tiny island of the most important advantages it has no large crowds as we maximize this island visitors are coming to relax and get a sunbath fun as they love snorkeling and diving to see the coral reefs enjoyed by this island

The best time to visit the island Kabas
The best time to visit the magnificent island of Kabas is any time of the year except for times as the monsoon season, which comes two months between October and February, where the island was closed to visitors because of the strength of the wind and its devastating effects

Life in Kabas and residences fun to you intend accommodation to relax and feel at ease in this island has no connection to the Internet only through mobile phones and rely on mobile networks and there is no networking own Photo Gallery everywhere in the high mountains only and there are a lot of hotels that offer requirements basic accommodation and air-conditioned rooms

You must bring enough money for your trip, because Kapas Island did not enter ATM So far, we must always be ready with cash in their purse to cover your expenses

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